Prayer & Fasting | ...21 Days Corporate prayer & fasting
Day 12 of 21 Days - Corporate Prayer and Fasting 2018
People of God, Let’s pray these seven prayer points:
1. Beloved! Many times you are almost there, but something keeps holding you back from manifesting!
Pray and say, "LORD, I receive Deliverance by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST." The SOUND of GOD shall come over my situations and set lose my Breakthrough. Amen! (2 King 7:6-7)
2. Pray and say, "LORD, I refuse to be used as a negative talking point by the world because of my situations. I declare that henceforth, I shall have Great Testimony in Life, GOD will TURN around my condition for GOOD in this very season." Amen!
3. LORD! Let us be Strengthen by the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT Divine. Oh LORD, Be Gracious to us and lead us through the path of YOUR Abundant Blessing and Provision for our GOD given Vision. Amen!
4. I pray that in this season of your life the things you have long awaited for shall be Handed to you in JESUS CHRIST Mighty Name.
5. I pray that the Blessings that takes many people 7 years to manifest in life will take you 7 days to manifest in your life by the power of the HOLY GHOST.
6. I pray in the Mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST! BLESSINGS shall Locate you wherever you may be, in your going out and in your returning home you shall be Blessed. (Deuteronomy 28:3-7)
7. The Bible says, "...Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." - Acts 3:6
Prayer: LORD! We pray anything that looks lame in our life or presents inefficient in our life to receive the FIRE of GOD by the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT and be made Whole in JESUS CHRIST Mighty Name. Amen!