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...Igniting the world with the unfailing love of God in Jesus Christ!

Prayer & Fasting | ...21 Days Corporate prayer & fasting

Day 17 of 21 Days - Corporate Prayer and Fasting 2023


Infinite and Eternal GOD, YOU reign as the Almighty, the Alpha, and the Omega. From generation to generation, YOU remain Constant, Unchanging, and Faithful. We stand in awe of Your Eternal nature, for YOU are the Ancient of Days, the One who was, who is, and who is to come. We love YOU, FATHER GOD. ❤

During today's prayers and fasting, As we consecrate this Anointing oil in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT, we join in faith and agreement with your declaration. This Anointing oil symbolizes the Presence and Power of the HOLY SPIRIT, and we pray that it will be a vessel of Empowerment, GOD's Visitation, and Divine Encounters for those who receive it.

Luke 4:18 reminds us of the Anointing that JESUS carried to fulfill His mission on earth. Through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, He preached the gospel, healed the brokenhearted, delivered captives, restored sight to the blind, and set free the oppressed. We pray that the same Anointing we carried through JESUS CHRIST over this Anointing Oil and consecrate it to receive the same transformative power and authority. (Isaiah 61:1-3)

As you Anoint with this Oil, we declare:

1. GOD's Visitation: We pray that as the oil is applied, GOD's Presence will visit and dwell with you and consecrate you. May you experience Divine Encounters and intimate moments with the LORD.

2. Divine Encounter unto Salvation: May this Anointing Oil be a means of drawing individuals closer to GOD, activating the salvation power through faith in JESUS CHRIST, and leading all to salvation.

3. Faith: May the Anointing ignite the Fire of the HOLY GHOST in you and strengthen your faith. May you trust in GOD's promises and believe in miracles and breakthroughs.

4. Empowerment: May the Anointing empower and equip you to walk in your GOD-given purpose and calling. May you be filled with Boldness and Confidence to share the gospel and impact lives.

5. Healing: We pray that, as you receive the Anointing. May you experience physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. May your physical health be restored, your hearts mended, and your lives transformed.

6. Peace: May the peace of GOD that surpasses all understanding fill your hearts by the Anointing. May you experience calmness, assurance, and solutions in every situation.

7. Deliverance: May every captive be set free as the Anointing breaks every yoke of bondage and oppression. May your captivity be consumed by the Fire of GOD and the captive be set free. We declare that by the Anointing, mountains will be moved, giants will be defeated, and strongholds will be broken. Chains will be loosed, and captives will be set free.

8. Breakthrough: May your barriers be broken, obstacles be removed, and the door of opportunity be opened. By the reason of the Anointing in the Name of JESUS CHRIST—the Anointed ONE.

9. Prosperity: We pray and Anoint you for Financial Blessings and Divine Provision. May you experience the Abundance Blessings of GOD and Favor in every area of your life. May you prosper financially and be in good health, even as your soul prospereth.

10. Greatness: As you receive His Anointing, may you realize your true potential and walk in greatness, fulfilling the purposes and plans that GOD has ordained for you before the foundation of the Earth. Do great things and experience greatness through CHRIST JESUS.

11. Divine Health: We pray that the Anointing will bring about your physical well-being and vitality. And we rebuked every sickness and infirmity—and declare your bodies be restored to health. May you be made WHOLE again in JESUS CHRIST's Mighty Name.

12. Joy and Love of GOD: Finally, we pray and declare that Anointing invokes in you the unspeakable Joy of GOD and captivates your hearts with the unfailing love of GOD through JESUS CHRIST—His Son. May you experience the fullness of GOD's love and be filled with Joy. Amen!

In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, we affirm and release the Anointing over all those who connect and partner with this Ministry—Bliss & Fire Church and Network. As they participate in the 21 Days of Corporate Prayer and Fasting, we pray for an outpouring of GOD's Presence and Anointing upon their lives.

For those consecrating their Anointing Oil during this time of prayer and fasting, we declare that the oil will be a tangible representation of GOD's Love, Power, and Grace. May it be a symbol of consecration and dedication unto the service of our Almighty GOD.

We pray that as they anoint themselves and others with this oil, they will experience Divine Encounters and Transformative experiences. May the Anointing break every yoke, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, and bring forth breakthroughs and miracles.

In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, we declare that this Anointing will be a source of strength, empowerment, and encouragement. It will be a beacon of light in times of darkness, a refuge in times of trouble, and a source of comfort in moments of distress.

May this Anointing Oil carry the fragrance of CHRIST, spreading the aroma of His presence wherever it is applied. As it is used in prayer, may it ascend as a sweet-smelling incense before the Throne of GOD.

We pray for a fresh infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT upon all those partaking in this time of consecration and prayer. May you all be filled to overflowing, with the Anointing of GOD, becoming vessels of His power and Grace in this world.

May the Anointing Oil be a constant reminder of the calling and purpose upon their lives. As they go forth in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, may they walk in obedience, humility, and love, reflecting the image of CHRIST to those around them.

In every situation and circumstance, may this Anointing Oil be a point of contact for Divine Intervention and Supernatural Breakthroughs.

FATHER GOD, We thank YOU for the privilege of being a carrier of Your Anointing. May Your Name be Glorified, and may Your kingdom come in power through this time of consecration and prayer.