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And It Came To Pass - Bliss & Fire Network Weekly Digest - December 17, 2013

  |   Author: Pastor Wales Goriola

And It Came To Pass

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”  – (Isaiah 55:11)


In the beginning of this year, the Lord spoke to us as always we declared His counsel for year 2013. The LORD sent us with His Word, and we walk this year with His WORD.  We spoke to the high and to the low of this generation. The LORD was with us doing that which HE has sent us to do. We stood in awe of His word from the beginning of January even unto the end of December, HE was indeed—Faithful. Amen.


Are you still waiting to hear the mind of the Lord? HE has revealed Himself through His Word, the Holy Scripture for all the hearts that are willing to know Him and to walk with Him. When we look back to the beginning of this year, in our 2013 Prophecy, we can now say every major point of the prophecy has come to pass, either the world believes it or not. Either the world wants it like that or not—the spoken word of GOD by the HOLY SPIRIT will always manifest. Remember the Bible says, "…Believe in the Lord your GOD, so shall ye be established; Believe HIS Prophets, So shall ye prosper."- Chronicles 20:20b

I remembered the word I received by the HOLY SPIRIT and I quote: “I see the Nations Blessed, I see blessing increasing and lack decreasing—the nations of the world are seen increasing in wealth. I see the siege is over.” – (Bliss & Fire Network 2013 Prophecy by Pastor Wales Goriola). Some ministries and some prophetic ministers wrote me and say they see the Economy getting worse because the Nation have not chosen the right leader. I say to them, they have spoken by the flesh. For the Spirit of GOD has declared a Blessing to the Nation regardless of who lead the nation because no one can lead this great nation without GOD allowing it. Now what do you see… Prosperity is returning to our great nation and the nations of the world are starting see blessings and manifest blessing.

Remember, this quote: “I see two elephants coming against each other. These elephants symbolize two great nations, says the Lord. They will have a resounding friction against each other, and casting fear among the nations of the world.” – (Bliss & Fire Network 2013 Prophecy by Pastor Wales Goriola)  We saw the manifestation when the US and Russia was at standoff over Syria some few months ago. Many people were worried but I say the tension will not result into war because the LORD said so.

Likewise this year has been one of the year with the highest birth of innovative ideas in the Tech industry. This is what the LORD says, I quote: “I see a New Bright Star has been born and the Lord says, a New IDEA will advance this year; new things will come into the scene of the world. It’s like a new star… a new, innovative idea.” – (Bliss & Fire Network 2013 Prophecy by Pastor Wales Goriola).

Is it the Philippines typhoon and others parts of the world that been affected by natural disasters we want to talk about? We have the responsibility to daily pray to GOD to avert such things (natural disasters). While we also intercede for Nations to dwell in Peace, Liberty, and in Love. (read more:

The past few weeks revealed the passing to glory of great men, great leaders, and great people that GOD has used to Touched Nations, Transformed Lives, and Blessed the Lives of many around the world. People like Paul Crouch of TBN, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. Their lives and their works on earth will forever be in the hearts of many of us, and many generations. But beloved, we have to pray more—and intercede more for the ones that are still with us for the LORD is calling them home.  Remember this quote of the Prophecy: “I see something like a sun setting down… this looks like great leaders that have shone and glows… that has been a voice to many in the past and now setting down in glory. Their days and glory setting down says the Lord.” - (Bliss & Fire Network 2013 Prophecy by Pastor Wales Goriola).

So many Blessings await every one of us in this last month of this year, where ever you may be—your blessings will find you and you will say indeed, this is “An Exciting Year!” Go ahead, read more about the 2013 Prophecy and reflect on how it affected your life and bless your life. Amen! 

This week: As hand of the LORD was upon me, I remembered you, your needs and all that concerns you. I bless you and pray… "The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." – Numbers 6:24-26. Amen.

I speak that you experience GOD’s Divine Blessings, Joy, Goodness, Mercy, Grace and Peace—Righteousness, Breakthrough, and Prosperity. Thou shall increase in all areas of your Life. Amen! Be ready for a New Year of Greater Miracles!

Remember, the Bible says: “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.” – (Psalm 62:11)

“When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.” – (Deuteronomy 18:22)

You are blessed, we love you!

Pastor Wales Goriola

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