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Weekly Digest Inspirational Articles

Nothing Starts Without HIM - Bliss & Fire Network Weekly Digest - February 17, 2015

  |   Author: Apostle John Afolayan

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." - GENESIS 1: 1
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - JOHN 1: 1


Nothing can start without God. Never attempt starting your day, week, month, a business, a journey or a new relationship without God. Involve Him before the take off and if you did, when you call upon Him in the way He answers you. He is not an outsider or a third party personality in your home and business. Why we fail most times is simply because we did not involve Him before the start but along the way when we encountered problems and seemed to be confused.


God should be your first consultant from whom you receive the required directions as to how, when, where and with who to do. Indeed HE instructs you on the right timing for your action. In the Book of Luke Chapter 5, The Bible tells us, how Peter and his co-fishermen worked all night but caught nothing until Jesus arrived at the scene and told him what to do. And Peter did accordingly and had a net breaking result.

The reason why many Marriages failed after some years of glamorous wedding might be because God was not in the beginning. HE is faithful, and when HE has started a good thing HE perfects it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6) If HE didn't start it, HE will not finish it.

Consider Jonah's mission to Nineveh. It was God's own dream. Trouble arose in the way but the Spirit of the Lord lifted up a standard against it and he accomplished the task. Now, take out quality time to seek Him and wait long enough in His presence to hear His voice and secure His approval. Thereafter you can run with the dream to fulfill.

This Week: See that you put God first in all that you do, let the Lord take the lead and put you through. Live your daily life has one that is learning and living by the Spirit of God. Don’t let your desires alone go before you—but rather let the Holy Ghost take the lead. Amen!

Remember, Moses said LORD, "…If your presence go not with me, carry us not up from here. For how shall it be known here that I and your people have found grace in your sight? is it not in that you go with us? …" Exodus 33:15-16

You are blessed, we love you!

Bliss & Fire Network Team

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