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Believer's Issues issues that affect our physical lives, our spiritual lives and ministries.

Family Issues

God's plan is for man to have a perfect family. A family in which God Himself is the foundation. Some how, many will not wait for God's direction. To some, God takes too long to answer their prayers. The fact still remains the same; God is never too late and He is a faithful God. What ever your case may be, He is never too late for you.

The Bible says: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." - Genesis 2:24

God is still in the business of healing marriages and bringing love back to the family when we allow HIM.

Here you can find articles that will minister to your family and marriage issues. Likewise the related links to research, papers and studies will help boarding your understanding.



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