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Weekly Digest Inspirational Articles

Study 3e : Abraham - Honored By God - CHARACTER STUDY SERIES

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Study 3e : Abraham - Honored By God

Today's study is the conclusion of our series on Abraham, the father of faith. In summary, Abraham was called out of Ur and Haran at the age of seventy-five when he did not have any child. Though he had an idolatrous background, in obedience to God, he left his homeland Ur, his kinsmen and his father's house to a place God was to show him. The bible says that he left by faith; not knowing where he was going.

God made covenant promises to Abraham at different times which were as follows:

  • (a) 'I will make of thee a great nation' Genesis 12:1-4. Genesis 17:4
  • (b) 'I will bless thee' Genesis 13:14-18 ; 15:18

Study 3d: Abraham Pays Tithe To Melchizedek - CHARACTER STUDY SERIES

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Study 3d: Abraham Pays Tithe To Melchizedek

Text: Genesis 14:17-20

In the above text, a personality is identified and described as THE PRIEST OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. His name is Melchizedek to whom Abraham paid his tithe.

Definition: TITHE means a tenth. In Hebrew it is "Maaser" and Greek - "dekatos".

In the past few weeks, we have been considering Abraham's life as a man of faith, a prophet, and the friend of God. His devotion and commitment to God could hardly be matched by any of his generation. It is one thing to be religiously inclined but quite another to serve God wholeheartedly with our material substance. Abraham did both and so will any person who desires to serve God in truth and in Spirit.

Study 3c : Abraham - His Trial Of His Faith - CHARACTER STUDY SERIES

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Study 3c : Abraham - His Trial Of His Faith

Text: Genesis 22:1-18

There comes a time in our Christian life and ministry that God allows some situations and circumstances, contrary to our expectations, in which our faith in Him will be severely tested to prove our faithfulness and love. Abraham had an occasion of such. Before now Abraham had waited in tears and patience for 24 years for the blessing of a child from God. By and by Sarah conceived and had Isaac, meaning laughter. Abraham then started nursing and nurturing him as heir with him of the promise of God lsaac was Abraham's only son whom he loved (Genesis 22:2)

Study 3b: Abraham - His Error Of Sentiment - CHARACTER STUDY SERIES

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Study 3b: Abraham - His Error Of Sentiment

Text: Genesis 16:1 - 6, 17:15-21, 20:9-14

When God called Abraham out of Haran, he had said to him "IN THEE SHALL ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED" (Genesis. 12:3). This promise also involved his wife Sarah because it takes two to have children that will perpetuate a family.

Study 3a: Abraham The Godly Family Man - CHARACTER STUDY SERIES

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Study 3a: Abraham The Godly Family Man

Abraham was called by God from an idolatrous background to be separated from his father's house, his kinsmen and his country to a place He would show him. Thereafter, he became totally committed to Jehovah in faith, obedience, worship and service. His devotion to God was such that resulted in a godly influence on his household.

After Abraham's call, his life started being guided by divine revelation. We are called unto God from sin through the preaching of the gospel. After we are saved, it is the Spirit and the Word of God that should guide our lives to the end - that is the written word, the spoken word and the revealed word. Abraham came to the land of Canaan by the word of the Lord.


  |   Inspirational Articles   |   Issue: Studies  

Study 2(b): NOAH, The Ark Builder

Text: Genesis 6:13-22

"And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them, and behold I will destroy them with the earth. MAKE THEE AN ARK OF GOPHER WOOD; rooms shall thou make in the ark and shall pitch it within and without with the pitch." - Genesis 6:13-14.

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